Best Sit N Go Poker Sites

Which poker sites have the best SNG tournaments?

Sit and Go tournaments (often abbreviated as SNG or SNGs) have always been a part of poker, but it wasn't until the advent of online poker that the format really exploded in popularity.  Now, at any given point in time, thousands upon thousands of players are battling it out online in Sit and Go tournaments of all styles, formats and buy in levels.

If you're completely new to poker and confused by the lingo, don't be - a Sit and Go tournament is nothing more than a tournament that starts not at a set time (like most tournaments) but rather when a certain target number of players have joined the tournament.  In other words, when enough people sit, the tournament goes.  To learn more about this rapidly growing form of tournament poker, read on for an analysis of the characteristics of quality poker sites for SNG play and our selections of the top destinations for online Sit and Go players.

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Characteristics of the Top Sites for SNG Play

What is it that makes one poker site superior to others for playing SNG tournaments?  You could list factors all day, but below we've identified four of the most important: Buy in and format range, SNG leaderboard promotions, VIP bonus for SNG players and multi-tabling support.  Let's briefly touch on each characteristic and why it's germane to players interested in Sit and Go tournaments.

Range of Buy ins, Formats and Opponents: No one wants to play at a site where you have limited options.  Unless you're the best player at the site, you want to see fresh faces at your tables - and sites with small ranges of buy ins and formats just don't attract as many fresh faces as sites with broad selections.  Plus, every poker player likes to have something to shoot for, and a room with a limited buy in range doesn't provide you with much in the way of upward mobility or profit potential.

Leaderboard Promotions for SNG Players: Many sites offer leaderboard promotions specifically for SNG players.  While not everyone can claim the top prizes on such leaderboards, even the prizes closer to the bottom of the ladder can prove to be significant bankroll boosters for the average player.  Look for promotions that are ongoing as opposed to promotions that only span a certain period of time, as ongoing promotions will be a more reliable (and predictable) source of value for SNG players.

Accelerated VIP Rewards for SNG Players: There are more than a few sites that reward tournament players with more VIP points per dollar paid in rake than you'd receive if you played cash games.  SNG specialists should prefer such sites, as every extra bit of value per tournament is crucial to the difference between being a break-even player and a profitable one.  SNG players should also be on the lookout for sites that offer relevant rewards in the VIP store such as SNG buy ins or training materials like software or coaching site memberships that can improve a player's win rate.

Multi-Tabling Support:  Most SNG players prefer to play multiple tournaments at once.  For the best players, decision-making becomes a very rote process, and they can maximize their profits by executing that process across as many tables at once as possible.  While you might not start off playing dozens of tables, you should still be aware of the support a given room provides for multi-tabling; how many tables can you play at once?  How many tables can you open before the program slows?  What tools for multi-tabling (internal or third-party) does the room support?  Answering these questions at the start will allow you to select a room that can continue to accommodate you as your skill and number of tables increase.

Top-Ranked Sit and Go Poker Site: PokerStars

PokerStars built their reputation on the back of the busiest tournament lobby the online poker industry has ever seen, so it should be little surprise that the room absolutely dominates this category. 

At PokerStars, you'll find Sit and Go tournaments costing pennies and others costing thousands of dollars, along with everything in between.   SNGs are available for dozens of games and range in size from heads up SNGs to tournaments with dozens, even hundreds, of players.  The room also offers dedicated leaderboards with generous rewards for SNG players and has a VIP structure that provides a reasonable return to those that focus on Sit and Go tournaments (although the value is much better for higher-stakes players than low stakes players).

However, the real genius behind the room's approach to Sit and Go tournaments is their willingness to innovate, to float radically new types of SNGs and to engage with the community to refine such offerings.  That willingness is by and large what secures Stars the top spot when it comes to online SNG play.  Of course, having a SNG lobby that is more than seven times the size of their closest competitor doesn't hurt their case. 

Best Pick for US Sit and Go Players: Carbon Poker

Sit and Go traffic is relatively minor at all US-facing online poker sites, especially as you start to move into higher buy in territory or look for games other than no limit hold'em.  With that said, Carbon Poker (Merge Network) offers arguably the strongest lobby for Sit and Go players, with plenty of options for micro-to-low buy in players looking for no limit SNG tournaments.  Carbon also provides a monthly SNG leaderboard promotion and decent VIP value for SNG players. 

While certainly not in the same SNG league as PokerStars, the combination of selection and value that you'll find at Carbon Poker for Sit and Go play easily outstrips what you'll find at other online poker rooms open to US players.

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