Texas Holdem Limit - Playing Flush Draws

Texas Holdem Limit Strategies of Flush Draws

Some of the best draws possible on the flop are flush draws. They are easy to play and can win big pots.

When you flop a flush draw in Limit Hold'em, it is going to be on a two-suited or three-suited flop. The way to play the draw to the flush depends on this.

round bottom

round-top-largeBecause there are 13 cards of each suit, you always have nine outs to make a flush when you get a flush draw on the flop. That means the odds are 2-to-1, or about 35%, against improving at the river. Your hand will be ber if you also have draws such as a pair, straight draw, overcards or other added value. If you are holding the #Ks-#Qs and the flop reveals #Js-#Ts-#2h giving a straight flush draw and two overcards, there are 12 outs that could win the pot. You have about 54% change of a straight/flush and 28% for one of the overcards, making a total of 78% chance that you will hit on the turn or river combined. This is a lot better than holding #8-#7s on a flop that shows As-#Ks-#9h where you only have 9 outs making 34% change you can win the pot.

To draw or not to draw?

If you get a flop to a flush draw on a two-suited flop, you will probably have the righ tpot odds to draw to the flush with only these few exceptions:

1. If you are playing heads-up in an pot that hasn't been raised and you only have the flush draw. This might be a point at which you could semi-bluff but don't check-call at the river.

2. If the flop shows a pair and there is a lot of heavy action on that flop, someone is most likely holding trips and you may lose to a full house even if you get your flush.

3. If you hold a small flush draw at the flop and there is a lot of flop action, you could be drawing dead to a much bigger flush. This is why small suited connectors are best played in the late postion.

Position and number of players

If there are three or more other players in a hand, you should keep as many players in at the flop as possible. This helps you win a big pot if you do hit the hand you want. It means checking and calling if in first position, unless you are habitually a pre-flop raiser and have some change of winning by betting the other players out. If you are sitting in the last position and there is a bet from an early player plus several callers in between, it is correct to raise. The point is to build the pot when are you only 2-to-1 against making your flush. The raise may provide you an opportunity to take a free card is they all check to you on the turn. If playing one or two other players, you want to win the pot with a semi-bluff. If you think there is a chance you can win the pot by betting or raising, do it! If you have overcards to go with the flush draw, you should bet or raise to run other hands out that could make two pair or a pair with a better kicker than you hold.

Three-suited flops

If the flop hits three-suited, you should just draw for the flush if you are drawing to the nut or second nut flush. If your hand has added value such as apir, straight draw, you might draw for a low flush. It is hard to get action on these flops because other players will be less aggressive except when they have a really b hand such as two pairs. This draw also has less value due to the fact that it is so obvious to every player that someone will probably hold a flush when a fourth suited card hits. Players just won't join the action very often unless the board remains three-suited rather than four-suited. Play aggressively when you hold the AA or KK and the flush draw as well.

Limit Poker Strategy Guide:

Strategy Article 1. Limit Holdem Basic Strategies

Strategy Article 2. Limit Holdem Starting Hands

Strategy Article 3. Limit Holdem - Playing Middle or Bottom Pairs on the Flop

Strategy Article 4. Limit Holdem Playing Flops

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