No Limit Texas Holdem: Basic Strategies and Tips
Basic Texas Holdem No Limit Tips and Advice
The major differences between No-Limit Texas Hold'em and Limit Texas Hold'em involve position and hand value. Position is significantly more important in No-Limit because the decisions you must make have a greater impact on your stack of chips.
If you trap someone in No-Limit through position, you can grab the opponent's entire stack instead of only collecting a few extra bets in Limit.

connectors such as A-K, A-Q and K-Q decrease in value when playing No-Limit
because you are more likely to win small pots and lose big pots whe
playing these types of hands. Also, all pairs increase in value in No-Limit
because you can double through your opponents when you do hit the set.
The big pairs such as A-A and K-K, increase in value in No-Limit Hold'em
because you have the chance to trap someone and grab his whole stack.
In No-Limit, you should always remember to keep track of the amount of money you and your opponents have on the table. Variations in pot sizes greatly impact how the game can best be played. Some examples are:
1. You have $500 while your opponent has only $25. The blinds are $2-$4. You are positioned in the big blind with a JT hand and your opponent moves all-in from first position, which referrs to the position sitting under the gun. Everyone else folds. In this situation, you should clearly fold because you are almost certainly the underdog nad you are risking an extra $21 just to win his last $25, making it an unprofitable play. If your opponent also had $500, then a call might be in order because you have a possibility of winning $500 by risking only $21. The decision on whether or not you should call depends on how well the other player plays after the flop.
2. You have $1000 and your opponent also has $1000; the blinds are $2-$4. You hold a hand of QQ and wager $20 to go. Your opponent, who is positioned to play behind you, moves all-in with his entire $1000. You should fold unless you know for a fact that your opponent is not holding a hand of AA or KK. If your opponent made the same play with only $60 in front of him, you could call his all-in bet, hoping is bluffing and he does not hold AA or KK.
No-limit Texas Hold'em Top Advice
1. Playing too many starting hands: In a no-limit standard $2-$4 game. you should ideallly have a 20-30% view of the flop percentage. This means folding A-J when playing in the first position, K-T when placed in the middle position and Q-T if you are in the late position.
2. Table selection: You should only play in games in which you hold an edge. Choose a table where a couple of weak players are playing before joining the game.
3. "Play the players": Be certain to assess the other players to learn who plays poor hands, who folds when others are aggressive, who bets on draws, who calls the big bets even with weak hands or draws, who falls for bluffs, who bluffs, and so on.
4. "If you can't pump it or dump it": When the odds are with you, fold or bet/raise. Avoid calling unless you have a good reason such as setting a trap for another player.
5. Respect most big bets and raises: This strategy is especially true on the turn and river because most players simply do not bluff.
Common Mistakes in No-Limit Texas Hold'em
1. One common mistake is failing to release a reasonably good hand even when it is clearly second bastt, therefore losing your whole stack on a single hand.
2. Another common error is calling with weak cards when faced with a bet.
3. Also, players frequently play far too many starting hands.
4. When holding premium hands, a mistake is not raising pre-flop, thereby putting pressure on the limipers holding hands they plan to draw to complete; and then you might go too far with them after the flop.
5. Sometimes players over/under bet the pot, resulting in a risk of a lot of money to win only a small pot or not protecting their hand.
Basic Pre-flop Strategy
1. The majority of occassions, you should raise or re-raise with top pairs such as AA-QQ and top connectors such as AK or AQ, so that you can make other players holding low-pairs and various connectors pay to see flops against you. Remember, they will often have the opportunity to double up on you if they hit. However, many beginning players fial to realize this and, as a result, fold too often before the flop.
2. Stick to playing the premium hands. You will pay dearly to play "chase" when you hold one of the second-best hands in no-limit.
3. Limit the majority of raises to between 70% and 100%, making it 3 times the big blind typically makes an 80% pot bet. This saves you money when you get re-raised or called by someone with a ber hand. If limpers are in front of you, raise approximately 4 to 6 times the big blind.
4. Respect b, tight players. In a situation where you are playing against these players, you would drop a AQ if a b player raises under the gun.
5. When extremly weak players enter the pot, it is usually best to call and take flops with them.
Strategy Article 1. No Limit Starting Hands
Strategy Article 2. No Limit Texas Holdem Check Raises Strategy NL
Strategy Article 3. NL Holdem Short Handed Sets
Strategy Article 4. No Limit Holdem Learn Opponents Betting Patterns NL